singing everything you see
my amazing son & our journey as a family with a new autism diagnosis
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Inside out
A lot has happened since my last post. Since I work and parent non-stop, I just don't have time to write.
The expression "sleep when the baby sleeps" holds true for a child with autism. If I don't sleep when he does, no sleep. He wakes up before the sunrise most days.
I was able to take him to see movies this year. His uncle took him to see inside out and he loved it. My friend's daughters wanted to see it so we went again so I could see it too. We now live in Virginia and though I'm still struggling, at least the job is steady and the school is very good.
Anyway, inspired by the movie, g made characters for his emotions.
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Fundraising again - for the last time. Get us HOME!!!!
Thursday, January 8, 2015
G said "when I die, I might become a constellation in the sky"
I said, well I don't like to think about you dying, but I suppose that when you do, that's what you'd like?"
"Yeah" said G, quite seriously
Wow. From a 5 year old.
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Help the Cannon Family
"My friend Sabrina Cannon lost her husband this morning to a massive heart attack, he was 38 years old. She is the primary breadwinner for her family and is now going to be raising her 11 year old autistic son on her own. She was working the night shift at Sheetz where she is a supervisor while her husband stayed home with their son. Because of his death, Sabrina is having to take a leave of absence from her job and will have no income, on top of having to deal with this incredible loss. Please, if you can, help my friend and her sweet little boy get through this tough time."
Sabrina is MY friend, too. I have known her for 18 years. Her husband was a kind and wonderful person, and now he is gone.
Please help if you can and please share this link...
Sabrina is MY friend, too. I have known her for 18 years. Her husband was a kind and wonderful person, and now he is gone.
Please help if you can and please share this link...

Monday, December 29, 2014
The hard decisions
So I have decided after talking to my mamma bears (Donna and Cherie, my late friend Ava's mom, and my aunt) that moving back to the east coast is probably in my best interest after all!
Not going to lie- I am so tired of moving.
g and I both wish we could transport this house to Maryland! It's super cute and just the right size. One thing I had learned is- it is very hard to keep clean when you work as much as I do and have a kindergartener tornado running around..
Another is, in order to afford a home in this area, I have to live far from all of g's current services and I cannot afford his dad's neighborhood. This means spending extra time and money that I don't have going from here to there.
I have decided to - depending on when they sell the house, move back home with G. If we had a home to go to, that would be cool, but the closest thing to that is my aunt's house and she's closer to the shore than the schools we need to be near for G.
I'm not worried about much else at this point - just getting us settled.
Now that the ex is letting us go, finally, I have to take the opportunity. Get while the gettin is good.
The closest friends I have here are my boss, two co-workers, and a lady from the company i contract for!
I don't see any chance of branching out here. Cincy has served her purpose. Everything I've tried to do to make this work for me has failed.
Just being back easy briefly for the holidays was proof enough. In just 48 hours I saw some family and friends and I gotta say- it felt good. I didn't realize how isolated my ex had made us. I missed a lot of things.
I will be able to get to Ottawa and visit my friends up there in 8 hours, cleveland in 6, jersey/philly in 3, the shore in 3, and my Georgia mountain mama in 8. Not too shabby.
Watching G play with my cousins kids and my friends kids was just incredible. I never thought he would back when he was diagnosed. How far we've come.
Looking forward to healing and positive change.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
born with an abundance of inherited sadness
Well, it is December. A week from Christmas.
People around me at work complain that they can't get Christmas shopping in. Boo-f'ing-hoo.
I realize that I must be an oddball. This year has damn near destroyed me. I went back to school this fall thinking that my ex, G's dad, would be exercising his parenting rights by at least taking his son every other weekend. Then he threw a little fit because OMG he has to pick up his son every day from school. How terrible, right? I interrupt my work day everyday and often work 6 days a week to make up for the time I lose by dropping G off at his special ed program 20 + miles from my house.
Then threatened to try to lower child support if he has to take him any more than that.
It just weirds me out that guys can be like this. If I was a dad, and my ex-wife was like "hey, would you like to see your son more" I think I would want to. Kids don't stay kids forever. Anyway, G is awesome and he's a pretty easy kid. I mean, he's messy and moves furniture around as he pleases, and leaves toys everywhere. Potty trained but his AIM is terrible, hehe.
You know I work full time, often from home, and honestly I cannot keep up with running a house by myself. Being a parent to a special needs child with NO FAMILY near, no help near, and an ex who thinks he's doing you a favor by taking your son for 4-5 hours on a rare Saturday so he can show off his cute kid to his girlfriend's friends and family...well - I am spent.
The ex always wants to take G when his girlfriend has an occasion to show him off. How very novel! Your boyfriend has a special needs little boy that he can take here and there for hours at a time. Tres chic. Is it trendy to date single dads - a la the new hipster beard thing? What ever will you do when the novelty wears off?
I am living in a city that I don't know and can't get to know. I don't get out.
I see people pulling the "woe is me single mom" crap but they go out and about and sometimes they meet a new guy who loves them, loves their kid, blah blah. And they have local friends and family. A village.
I am freaking out because I can't do this single mom thing very well, financially. I just can't. It's too hard.
I am renting this lovely house and I am supposed to buy it this Spring but I am drowning in bills - medical bills, taxes I owe because I dissolved my retirement in order to afford a lawyer. I was supposed to get a divorce settlement but I forgot who I was dealing with. I got half. I got half of the debt taken care of - that is a plus. But I had hoped to clean up things. Paying all of G's medical from the time he was diagnosed with autism really kicked my ass. I fear that I will not be able to buy this house in the spring. If that is true, and it most likely is, they will be putting it on the market so even if I could go to school this semester - I would not because I need to be able to clean for when people come look at the house. If it sells, we have to move. My lease is up in August, but like I said - if it sells we have to move. I am so tired of moving.
My going to school this fall allowed me to defer my student loans.
I managed to lose a lot more sleep but i got an A in each of the two classes I took. So at least I know I can do it. It's just a matter of timing then.
The financial repercussions of divorcing a narcissist with wealthy parents are broad and deep. I had no idea I was getting into something so life-threatening. I feel like there is no escape. I'm in his town.
I spend a lot of time researching other places I could live where G would get similar services. I find myself looking at moving back to somewhere I used to live and could probably afford, but I do like my job here. G has good services here.
When my car is paid off I may ask my son's dad if I can go. Right before we visited that place, the ex told me G and I can move away. I wonder if he means it. He even said "don't worry about airfare."
I'm in a lease and G's in the middle of using his Ohio Autism Scholarship.
I think G could probably hold his own in public school next year if I took him to therapy at least once a week.
What we are doing right now is hurting me financially. The timing, the distance, the frequency, the fact that my work provides a 40% discount on services that we are paying full price on now. Cause the ex didn't like helping drive G to therapy. He never even paid a co-pay.
Why I put up with this? Everyone says, just leave.
One must remember that I have a good job here where I WFH 4 days a week and they allow me to make up time on weekends. My bosses are excellent and my company is world class and people come here from all over just to work there. We get medical residents from all over. I like what I do. Where else could I work that would let me do this?
It's Christmas, and instead of worrying about what G will get under the tree, I worry about keeping my car and making rent. G is not going to be upset that I couldn't get him anything epic (i'm going to buy him a few more plants for his plants vs zombies game) but I keep him clothed and warm and fed and he's the kind of kid that appreciates this kind of thing.
I also have no idea how I am going to keep paying for these braces - but I am going to try. I have braces at the age of 35 and for the first time since I lived in Canada and my pregnancy, I only have 4 migraines a month instead of 8-9. My bite is slowly moving and I can't wait to chew food with a corrected bite. Should be epic.
My ex said things to me like, well, you gotta get your teeth fixed if you want to meet a guy, etc...because guys will always find someone hotter than me with better teeth. Look, I don't want to be with someone that would leave me because my teeth are crooked and chipped. Just like I don't want to be with someone who financially abuses me, controls me, and yells at me in front of my son.
I buy my cat Rudy's cat food in bulk, and he's pretty awesome. Since I already had a dog and a cat, I decided to get Rudy a brother or sister. Instead, the animal rescue suggested Dory and Cora. Indeed, my house is a little happier and full of life. Dory jumped into G's bath today and had him cracking up for a good 15 minutes. So it's not all doom and gloom here. G loves having pets.
So it does look like I will be partner-less for the rest of my life, with my son and my cats and my dog. I'm okay with that. I'm going to have to get hugs by driving to Cleveland here and there to visit friends. I need HUGS. G will give me hugs here and there, but he's tiny and I need to feel the security of a big person hug. I don't have that here.
I won't be able to finish grad school just yet. The undergrad put a hold on my transcripts. I owe them some money. It's unfortunate but in life I have had to put G's needs before mine constantly and this is one of those times. Plus, I need time to cook and clean, and I don't have a break, but rarely.
Thinking about a life with no romance in it is easy. There was none in my marriage and you don't miss what you never had. I dated one person briefly after P and I split and he was just as jerk-tastic as my EX - he lied to me all the time & dropped me for a girl he used to date (and is now engaged to.) The guy seemed too good to be true - he brought me flowers, dinner, gave me hugs, went for long walks (back when G's dad used to take him twice a week and I had "me" time)...but he was so sneaky and was hiding something. I hoped he would just tell me the truth but he never did. I had to tell him to never contact me again. I don't need people like that in my life. I also just don't give a crap about what people think. I am who I am, who I say I am, and have nothing to hide. I come from nothing, from parents who only cared about themselves and not us kids, and you know? I went to college. I worked hard for everything I have. I don't hurt or lie or steal. I am too genuine, such that it gets me hurt all of the damn time. I also know that I have amazing taste in friends and were it not for them, I would have never survived this divorce.
I never imagined I would be doing this parenting thing, and I never imagined I would be doing it SO ALONE. But even though G's dad lives in his parent's house for FREE and they live in their other house, I wonder why I didn't get that kind of fortune in life. I can't go home - there is no home.
I am sure things will calm down soon - I just know it's going to take a few years for me to get out of the pit of despair that is post-divorce. I just wish my ex would put his son above his girlfriend when it comes to prioritizing, but he won't, and I can't change that. It bums me out. I have to remind him that if I die, G will only have him and it's in my EX's best interest to help me get on my feet by doing his share of parenting, and complying with court orders. If I die, the ex is going to lose his extravagant lifestyle - the weekend trips with his girlfriend, the dinner reservations, the concerts, the sleeping in, the all night "you-know-what" aka getting it on all night without a kid climbing into your bed stuff he likes to do and brag to me about. I had to ask him not to tell me certain things. I just don't want to know.
I know there are blogs where the moms are super positive yada yada and for some reason people think I am classy and positive but I assure you, I am dying inside. I never dreamed I would be living like this.
Must. Remain. Positive.
There is a little boy who depends on me and there is no time to cry or feel sorry for myself.
I am going to go snuggle him now.
People around me at work complain that they can't get Christmas shopping in. Boo-f'ing-hoo.
I realize that I must be an oddball. This year has damn near destroyed me. I went back to school this fall thinking that my ex, G's dad, would be exercising his parenting rights by at least taking his son every other weekend. Then he threw a little fit because OMG he has to pick up his son every day from school. How terrible, right? I interrupt my work day everyday and often work 6 days a week to make up for the time I lose by dropping G off at his special ed program 20 + miles from my house.
Then threatened to try to lower child support if he has to take him any more than that.
It just weirds me out that guys can be like this. If I was a dad, and my ex-wife was like "hey, would you like to see your son more" I think I would want to. Kids don't stay kids forever. Anyway, G is awesome and he's a pretty easy kid. I mean, he's messy and moves furniture around as he pleases, and leaves toys everywhere. Potty trained but his AIM is terrible, hehe.
You know I work full time, often from home, and honestly I cannot keep up with running a house by myself. Being a parent to a special needs child with NO FAMILY near, no help near, and an ex who thinks he's doing you a favor by taking your son for 4-5 hours on a rare Saturday so he can show off his cute kid to his girlfriend's friends and family...well - I am spent.
The ex always wants to take G when his girlfriend has an occasion to show him off. How very novel! Your boyfriend has a special needs little boy that he can take here and there for hours at a time. Tres chic. Is it trendy to date single dads - a la the new hipster beard thing? What ever will you do when the novelty wears off?
I am living in a city that I don't know and can't get to know. I don't get out.
I see people pulling the "woe is me single mom" crap but they go out and about and sometimes they meet a new guy who loves them, loves their kid, blah blah. And they have local friends and family. A village.
I am freaking out because I can't do this single mom thing very well, financially. I just can't. It's too hard.
I am renting this lovely house and I am supposed to buy it this Spring but I am drowning in bills - medical bills, taxes I owe because I dissolved my retirement in order to afford a lawyer. I was supposed to get a divorce settlement but I forgot who I was dealing with. I got half. I got half of the debt taken care of - that is a plus. But I had hoped to clean up things. Paying all of G's medical from the time he was diagnosed with autism really kicked my ass. I fear that I will not be able to buy this house in the spring. If that is true, and it most likely is, they will be putting it on the market so even if I could go to school this semester - I would not because I need to be able to clean for when people come look at the house. If it sells, we have to move. My lease is up in August, but like I said - if it sells we have to move. I am so tired of moving.
My going to school this fall allowed me to defer my student loans.
I managed to lose a lot more sleep but i got an A in each of the two classes I took. So at least I know I can do it. It's just a matter of timing then.
The financial repercussions of divorcing a narcissist with wealthy parents are broad and deep. I had no idea I was getting into something so life-threatening. I feel like there is no escape. I'm in his town.
I spend a lot of time researching other places I could live where G would get similar services. I find myself looking at moving back to somewhere I used to live and could probably afford, but I do like my job here. G has good services here.
When my car is paid off I may ask my son's dad if I can go. Right before we visited that place, the ex told me G and I can move away. I wonder if he means it. He even said "don't worry about airfare."
I'm in a lease and G's in the middle of using his Ohio Autism Scholarship.
I think G could probably hold his own in public school next year if I took him to therapy at least once a week.
What we are doing right now is hurting me financially. The timing, the distance, the frequency, the fact that my work provides a 40% discount on services that we are paying full price on now. Cause the ex didn't like helping drive G to therapy. He never even paid a co-pay.
Why I put up with this? Everyone says, just leave.
One must remember that I have a good job here where I WFH 4 days a week and they allow me to make up time on weekends. My bosses are excellent and my company is world class and people come here from all over just to work there. We get medical residents from all over. I like what I do. Where else could I work that would let me do this?
It's Christmas, and instead of worrying about what G will get under the tree, I worry about keeping my car and making rent. G is not going to be upset that I couldn't get him anything epic (i'm going to buy him a few more plants for his plants vs zombies game) but I keep him clothed and warm and fed and he's the kind of kid that appreciates this kind of thing.
I also have no idea how I am going to keep paying for these braces - but I am going to try. I have braces at the age of 35 and for the first time since I lived in Canada and my pregnancy, I only have 4 migraines a month instead of 8-9. My bite is slowly moving and I can't wait to chew food with a corrected bite. Should be epic.
My ex said things to me like, well, you gotta get your teeth fixed if you want to meet a guy, etc...because guys will always find someone hotter than me with better teeth. Look, I don't want to be with someone that would leave me because my teeth are crooked and chipped. Just like I don't want to be with someone who financially abuses me, controls me, and yells at me in front of my son.
I buy my cat Rudy's cat food in bulk, and he's pretty awesome. Since I already had a dog and a cat, I decided to get Rudy a brother or sister. Instead, the animal rescue suggested Dory and Cora. Indeed, my house is a little happier and full of life. Dory jumped into G's bath today and had him cracking up for a good 15 minutes. So it's not all doom and gloom here. G loves having pets.
So it does look like I will be partner-less for the rest of my life, with my son and my cats and my dog. I'm okay with that. I'm going to have to get hugs by driving to Cleveland here and there to visit friends. I need HUGS. G will give me hugs here and there, but he's tiny and I need to feel the security of a big person hug. I don't have that here.
I won't be able to finish grad school just yet. The undergrad put a hold on my transcripts. I owe them some money. It's unfortunate but in life I have had to put G's needs before mine constantly and this is one of those times. Plus, I need time to cook and clean, and I don't have a break, but rarely.
Thinking about a life with no romance in it is easy. There was none in my marriage and you don't miss what you never had. I dated one person briefly after P and I split and he was just as jerk-tastic as my EX - he lied to me all the time & dropped me for a girl he used to date (and is now engaged to.) The guy seemed too good to be true - he brought me flowers, dinner, gave me hugs, went for long walks (back when G's dad used to take him twice a week and I had "me" time)...but he was so sneaky and was hiding something. I hoped he would just tell me the truth but he never did. I had to tell him to never contact me again. I don't need people like that in my life. I also just don't give a crap about what people think. I am who I am, who I say I am, and have nothing to hide. I come from nothing, from parents who only cared about themselves and not us kids, and you know? I went to college. I worked hard for everything I have. I don't hurt or lie or steal. I am too genuine, such that it gets me hurt all of the damn time. I also know that I have amazing taste in friends and were it not for them, I would have never survived this divorce.
I never imagined I would be doing this parenting thing, and I never imagined I would be doing it SO ALONE. But even though G's dad lives in his parent's house for FREE and they live in their other house, I wonder why I didn't get that kind of fortune in life. I can't go home - there is no home.
I am sure things will calm down soon - I just know it's going to take a few years for me to get out of the pit of despair that is post-divorce. I just wish my ex would put his son above his girlfriend when it comes to prioritizing, but he won't, and I can't change that. It bums me out. I have to remind him that if I die, G will only have him and it's in my EX's best interest to help me get on my feet by doing his share of parenting, and complying with court orders. If I die, the ex is going to lose his extravagant lifestyle - the weekend trips with his girlfriend, the dinner reservations, the concerts, the sleeping in, the all night "you-know-what" aka getting it on all night without a kid climbing into your bed stuff he likes to do and brag to me about. I had to ask him not to tell me certain things. I just don't want to know.
I know there are blogs where the moms are super positive yada yada and for some reason people think I am classy and positive but I assure you, I am dying inside. I never dreamed I would be living like this.
Must. Remain. Positive.
There is a little boy who depends on me and there is no time to cry or feel sorry for myself.
I am going to go snuggle him now.
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