Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I love being your mom

You are awesome. I love you.
You make every morning the best morning ever because I wake up and I'm your mommy.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Glasses Mommy

So, Sometime last week, I decided to wear contacts at work. Thinking about how nice it would feel to not have to wear glasses for a day since I had been wearing my glasses pretty much regularly since we moved to Ohio again. So I showed up at G's daycare to pick him up after work. I was wearing contacts. He looked at me and said want glasses mommy and then he started to cry. He would not come to me. He would not look me in the eye but that's not unusual! However he would not let me hold him or touch him and he would not acknowledge me. He kept saying over and over "want glasses mommy!" he said this over and over and over until finally his awesome afternoon preschool teacher decided to grab her reading glasses.
She came up to me and handed them to me and said: hey these are just reading glasses but give it a try if you put them on he might want to come to you.
So I put on her reading glasses and I whispered to her "I'll leave them at the front desk when I leave." She winked at me and said to go ahead. I put them on. It worked. He came to me and let me take him home.
I learned that day that routine and consistency are not just great for schedules for him, but appearance as well. Wow.
So no more contact wearing for me for a while!